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The story behind EatKS:
Everything and the Kitchen Sink 

Your Host

In 2011, Nikki started Everything and the Kitchen Sink, a live radio show with a mess of music genres packed into it, as part of a DIY radio station collective based in England.  

With the help of her partner, Nikki went completely DIY in 2014. 

EatKS . net grew into a beast of a website, with an RSS feed, iTunes, Soundcloud, hyperlinks to purchase all featured music , and a band directory — the latter were Nikki's favourites but were a lot to maintain. By 2015, Nikki was purchasing licenses to make her podcast legit and support artists..

Over the years Nikki collaborated with Punknews, Unappreciated Scholars, Popcycle and others. Despite refusing to wear headphones during shows (she is a weird one) she manages to guest every few years on Ruby Slippers on CIUT.

​EatKS was always 100% DIY. If she was too ill to mix, her partner helped. The graphics were all her partner's talent. Outside her 5 Patreon supporters, all the costs to run EatKS — domains, servers, licences, equipment, purchasing music.... came out of her pocket. 

By 2016, health, work & family began to compete for Nikki’s energy and by December 2018, she shut EatKS down. 

Efforts to use #NoPantsRecordStoreShopping as a way to share music were stymied by new twitter algorithms and time zone differences.

Instead of continuing tweeting out music tweets live for 10 to 12 hours, Nikki’s taken the advice of long-time listener HugeShark* and put it on a website! 



Huge Shark believed in Nikki before anyone else did, and sent her a real podcast mic in the mail when she started out. The resurgence of this site is dedicated to Valerie for her unwavering support, empathy to my health and her suggestions to find ways to continue one of the many things I love to do, which is to share my love of music with you.

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